The PLATiN®-MEDI coatings has been specifically developed for medical devices.
It consists of coatings that meet biocompatibility requirements :
PLATIN® MEDI BETA, PLATIN® MEDI ZrN, PLATIN® MEDI AlTiN and PLATIN® MEDI DLC are coatings commonly used in the medical industry. Their distinctive colour also allows these coatings to be used to differentiate applications (colour code : yellow, anthracite grey, black, pink…).
PLATIN® MEDI BETA is recommended for surgical instruments and other medical devices subject to wear. Gold yellow (TiN)
PLATIN® MEDI ZrN is recommended for surgical instruments and other medical devices subject to wear and tear, corrosion and friction.
Pale yellow colour (ZrN)
PLATIN® MEDI AlTiN is recommended for surgical instruments and other medical devices subject to wear.
It is produced at low temperatures <250°C
Black colour (AlTiN low temperature)
To complete this range, THERMI-PLATiN has also developed a biocompatible carbon-based coating with a very low coefficient of friction : DLC.
PLATIN® MEDI DLC is particularly used for surgical instruments and other medical devices subject to seizure problems.
Colour anthracite grey (Diamond Like Carbon)
PLATIN MEDI and MAGSLIDE DLC coatings meet the biocompatibility requirements listed in the following table from the ISO 10993-1-3rd edition 08/01/03 standard.
All tests were conducted by the LEMI laboratory – Technopole Bordeaux-Montesquieu – 33650 MONTILLAC (COFRAC certified).